Great Lakes Energy Co-Op Newsletter promoting the use of CFLs with five free offer.
See link below
Great Lakes Energy CFL Promo December 2009
Coming Soon!
In the next few days, the actions of the Michigan Public Service Commission and Great Lakes Energy will be posted for your review.
They are using taxpayer and ratepayer dollars to subsidize CFLs without doing the same for LED bulbs which are not only more efficient, they also do not pollute the landfills with mercury. How many people are even aware of the proper procedure for disposal of CFLs to prevent the contamination of our landfills with toxic levels of mercury?
Meanwhile First Energy (Ohio) is attempting to implement a mandatory (CFL) compliance program for which the ratepayer will be billed regardless of whether they take the CFL bulbs.
(As a side note, Dr. Havas’ research shows that the mercury in one CFL will contaminate 190,000 litres of water beyond the level deemed safe for human consumption.)
If you know of similar mandatory or coercive programs please post a note on it.
Safe Paces to Dine
See the list of safe places to dine.
Please thank them when you tell them where you found their name.
Encourage them to keep their place safe.
If you have some places to add, please leave a comment.
The more places listed, the more people can enjoy dining out.
Together, we can make a difference.
Be Safe
There are places that are safe to eat and some that are not. We will be adding to this list as we receive more reports of compliant restaurants. These have been reported to be CFL free or, if they do have CFLs, will turn them off if you call ahead.
(Please post places you know of as you are helping all of those who have medical issues with CFLs.)
Bowling Green:
Ben’s Table, S. Main
Fricker’s, E. Wooster
Frisch’s Big Boy, Poe & N. Main
Pagliai’s Pizza, S. Main
Burger King, Newton & Main
McDonald’s, N. Main only
Sunnyside Café, E. Maumee
Pizza Hut, S. Main
Applebee’s, S. Main (just 2 in entry; call ahead)
Red Lobster, S. Main
Ann Arbor:
Applebee’s, Carpenter Rd. (just 2 in entry; call ahead)
Taco Bell
Daryl’s Downtown, 151 W. Michigan
Taco Bell
Potential Hazards of CFLs – New video
This video relates the potential hazards of Compact Florescent Light bulbs and other dirty energy sources. Please check our potential medical issues link for more possible symptoms.
[flashvideo file=”/wp-content/uploads/CBC-be-green-dark-side-of-cfls.flv” /]